...The final of the Women’s Premier Soccer League was especially exciting as FC Indiana were trailing 2-1 before winning on penalty kicks over a Brandi Chastain and Leslie Osborne led California Storm.
...Individually, Paty Perez, Caroline Smith, Brittany Bock and Holly Gault were recognized as All-Tournament performers. Perez earned the tournament MVP award.
...One week later FC Indiana defeated Ajax California 2-0 and Dallas SC 4-0 to win the US Open Cup in Frisco, Texas.
...On the international scene FC Indiana continued it’s unbeaten streak against national teams, which started with a 1-0 victory over Australia in 2004, as it overwhelmed Trinidad & Tobago 3-0 and 8-3.
...Off the field, the team improved its average fans per game at Goshen Soccer Park from 305 in 2004 to 1023 in 2005.
...The team also drew well on road trips as 3,200 fans watched FC Indiana beat host New England Mutiny 4-0, and California Storm 5-4 in the WPSL finals.
2005 Premier League National Champions
2005 US Open Cup National Champions
Rollpak Corporation, Ramada Inn, Big Toe Sports, Martin’s Supermarkets,
Elkhart Sports Center, Fairhaven Physicians, Crown International, Leedy/Cripe
Frauhiger Amusements, Intercambio Express, Hable Bonds.
Djoliba AC (Mali), CF Domina Neapolis (Italy)
More information about FC Indiana can be found at http://www.FCIndiana.com
Goshen, IN (December 19, 2005) FC Indiana’s Steve Brdarski, the Chief
Scout of the reigning US Open Cup and Women’s Premier Soccer League (WPSL)
national champions, is in Sweden on a 7 day business trip.
According to club officials Brdarski is meeting with representatives
of two Swedish clubs.
The objective of Brdarski’ trip is explore any interest in forging
alliances in Sweden.
FC Indiana spokeswoman Sharon Yoder denied rumors of FC Indiana’s interest
in investing or becoming owners in any Swedish clubs.
“Mr. Brdarski’s goal is only to investigate any potential alliances
in Sweden,” said Yoder. “At this time we have no interest in owning any
clubs. We have had initial meetings and await Mr. Brdarski’ return and
2005 Premier League National Champions
2005 US Open Cup National Champions
Rollpak Corporation, Ramada Inn, Big Toe Sports, Martin’s Supermarkets,
Elkhart Sports Center, Fairhaven Physicians, Crown International, Leedy/Cripe
Frauhiger Amusements, Intercambio Express, Hable Bonds.
More information about FC Indiana can be found at http://www.FCIndiana.com
2005 Premier League National Champions
2005 US Open Cup National Champions
19 time Mali Premier League Champions
16 time Mali FA Cup Champions
2005 Premier League National Champions
2005 US Open Cup National Champions
Rollpak Corporation, Ramada Inn, Big Toe Sports, Martin’s Supermarkets,
Elkhart Sports Center, Fairhaven Physicians, Crown International, Leedy/Cripe
Frauhiger Amusements, Intercambio Express, Hable Bonds.
More information about FC Indiana can be found at http://www.FCIndiana.com
Barnes was the ninth overall pick (1st pick, 2nd round) in the 2002 WUSA draft by the Carolina Courage and helped lead the team to the regular season championships and the WUSA Founders Cup Championship.
She was then signed by the San Jose CyberRays for the 2003 season and was nominated for the 2003 WUSA All-Star Game.
A three-time All-American while playing at WVU, Barnes’ soccer resume ranks among the very best. A four-year starter, she was a three-time All Mid-Atlantic performer, two-time Big East Offensive Player of the Year and she currently holds or shares 17 school records.
“The signing of Katie Barnes continues our quest of building a world class team,” said Borkowski. “She brings significant accolades from both her collegiate days and professional experience. She will also bring a competitive spirit that will help contribute to FC Indiana’ continuing success.”
Born: Mason, Ohio - August, 29, 1980
Years Playing
FC Indiana
Helped lead FC Indiana to WPSL and US Open Cup national titles
San Jose CyberRays – WUSA
Starter and nominated to WUSA All-Star Game
2002-2003 Carolina Courage
Helped lead Courage to WUSA Regular Season Championship
Helped lead Courage to WUSA Founders Cup Championship
9th Overall pick (1st pick, 2nd round) in WUSA Draft
by Carolina Courage
Cincinnati Ladyhawks – Women’s League
Named Rookie of the Year, 2001
Two-time W- League Player of the Year
1999-Present USA Women’s National Pool
1998-2002 West Virginia University
Four-year starter
Three-time All-American
Three-time All Mid-Atlantic team
Two-time Big East Offensive Player of the Year
2005 Premier League National Champions
2005 US Open Cup National Champions
Rollpak Corporation, Ramada Inn, Big Toe Sports, Martin’s Supermarkets,
Elkhart Sports Center, Fairhaven Physicians, Crown International, Leedy/Cripe
Frauhiger Amusements, Intercambio Express, Hable Bonds.
More information about FC Indiana can be found at http://www.FCIndiana.com
GERUSALEMME — Si allenano tre volte alla settimana, amano il calcio
piu di ogni altra cosa, sono sempre sorridenti, l'importante per loro è
solo poter giocare. Sono le ragazze dell'unica squadra di calcio femminile
palestinese, quella dell'Università di Betlemme. È stata
Samar Araj Mousa ,42 anni, responsabile sportiva dell'Universita e oggi
anche allenatrice della squadra, ad avere avuto l'idea di insegnare alle
ragazze a giocare a pallone. «Ho cominciato a pensare di creare una
squadra femminile qui a Betlemme circa due anni fa - racconta Samar - .
I giovani avevano bisogno di trovare un modo per scaricare le tensioni
che vivevano a causa dell'Intifada, che in quei giorni era nel suo periodo
peggiore». Samar si è rivolta all'organizzazione S.O.S, dove
i bambini che non hanno una famiglia trovano alloggio e cure amorevoli.
Hiba, e Sarab, non ci hanno pensato due volte e da allora fanno parte della
squadra. Samar è riuscita a raggruppare ragazze mussulmane , cristiane,
ricche e meno abbienti. «È stato facile scegliere il capitano
della squadra - racconta Samar - . Hani Talji, 20 anni, studentessa di
Economia oltre ad essere molto bella è incredibilmente brava e sopratutto
ha innato lo spirito di leader. Molte squadre dei Paesi arabi, dopo averla
vista giocare, mi hanno chiesto se Hani era disposta a trasferirsi. La
volevano comprare in molti!». Per gli abitanti di Betlemme , che
conoscono la famiglia di Hani, non è una sorpresa vederla giocare
sui i campi da calcio. Lo zio, infatti, è uno dei migliori giocatori
palestinesi, e tutti ricordano come zio e nipote si divertivano a giocare
insieme. Hani e le altre si allenano tre volte alla settimana, ma prima
dei tornei anche tutti i giorni. I risultati non sono mancati: lo scorso
aprile sono arrivate quinte al torneo di calcio femminile dei Paesi arabi
svoltosi in Giordania. Come al solito hanno vinto le egiziane, le piu forti,
ma le palestinesi si sono aggiudicate il premio della squadra piu affiatata
ed educata. Non solo per Tala 14 anni, figlia naturale ed attaccante della
squadra, Samar è una mamma, ma anche per tutte le 18 ragazze della
squadra. Prima di ogni partita controlla che tutte siano in ordine e si
preoccupa che ognuna di loro abbia sempre un buon paio di scarpe da gioco.
Il calcio non è per le ragazze solo uno sport, ma anche un modo
per portare avanti la silenziosa rivoluzione femminista del mondo arabo.
Le ragazze erano, infatti, molto orgogliose quando Mehira Al Jamal la prima,
e per ora unica, donna arbitro palestinese, ha diretto la loro partita
contro i quattordicenni di Bet Jalla. «La società araba non
dà molte opportunità alle nostre giovani - racconta Mehira
tra un tempo e l'altro - . Lo sport in generale è un ottimo metodo
per provare cosa sappiamo fare». «Mi piacerebbe molto far giocare
la squadra con altre ragazze israeliane - dice Samar - ma non possiamo
organizzare tornei senza il permesso dell'autorita Palestinese che per
ora non vuole. Senza la pace non si puo giocare, mi hanno risposto. Ma
io penso che prima venga lo sport e poi la pace».
lunedì 28 novembre 2005
2005 Premier League National Champions
2005 US Open Cup National Champions
Rollpak Corporation, Ramada Inn, Big Toe Sports, Martin’s Supermarkets,
Elkhart Sports Center, Fairhaven Physicians, Crown International, Leedy/Cripe
Frauhiger Amusements, Intercambio Express, Hable Bonds.
More information about FC Indiana can be found at http://www.FCIndiana.com
Ho appena assistito alla partita amichevole femminile fra il Canada
e la Germania al Swangard Stadium di Burnaby British Columbia. Partita
molto divertente e combattuta anche se la Germania in fine ha prevalso
per 3-1. Il terzo gol e stato un vero regalo della difesa Canadese. Un
difensore prova a controllare la palla due o tre metri fuori dalla piccola
area. La palla finisce sui piedi di un attaccante tedesco che da quella
posizione non sbaglia. Il primo tempo e finito 1-0 con la Germania segnando
con l'aiuto di un difensore Canadese che scivola e lascia un po di spazio
in piu alle tedesche che se ne profittano e segnano. Prima del gol, a scivolare
e stata un difensore tedesco che lascia solo la Hooper ma il suo splendido
pallonetto viene appena deviato dalle unghie del portiere della Germania
che lo devia appena fuori del palo. Il secondo tempo prende la sopramano
la Germania con il Canada avendo un paio di occasioni per causa del portiere
tedesco che e un po brodellona. La Germania segna di nuovo in seguito a
una bella azione. La giovanissima Lang, che dopo di 4 anni nella nazionale
maggiore non ancora compie 19 anni, accorcia le distanze per il Canada.
Il gol si matura dopo un sbalzo sbagliato dalla Hooper e un paio di giocatrici
tedesche che non riescono a fare la rimessa. La palla supera la difesa
e la Lang, che si allunga un po troppo la palla su il portiere in uscita,
poi rimedia di scivolone e infila la rete Germanese al 70mo. Il resto della
partita vede diversi retrofronti con diverse occasioni da ambidue le parti.
Sotto tono la Prinz che non figura in nessun gol e che tocca pochi palloni.
Per il Canada e partita da titolare Amy Apps che ho allenato a Mc Master
University qualche anno fa. Amy figlia di razza con il nonno essendo il
famoso Syl Apps del Toronto Maple Leafs hockey di diversi anni fa, il padre
ha gicoato il football nel Canadian Football League e il zio a giocato
nel NHL. La Amy non e di statura grande ma e una vera atleta che non smette
mai di correre e non si tira mai indietro nei contrasti. Verso lultimo
e poi entrata anche Melissa Tancredi che a giocato nella mia squadra un
5 anni fa prima di accettare un scolarship a Notre Dame. Domenica le due
squadre si incontrano di nuovo a Edmonton.
2005 WPSL National Champions
2005 Women’s Open Cup National Champions
Formed in 2000, FC Indiana is the only women’s soccer franchise in
Indiana. In 2004 the
club joined the Women’s Premier Soccer League (www.wpsl.info).
The WPSL is an independent national soccer league with 21 teams
in 12 states, including
California, Utah, Colorado, Maryland, Michigan, Massachusetts, New
York, Pennsylvania, Indiana,
Texas, and Rhode Island.
It is an affiliate of FIFA and the United States Soccer Federation
Rollpak Corporation, Ramada Inn, Margaritas Restaurant, Big Toe Sports,
Martin’s Supermarkets,
Goshen Plumbing and Heating, Elkhart Sports Center, Premier Signs,
Fairhaven Physicians, Wellington & Weddell, Elkhart Metal Distributing,
Crown International, Leedy/Cripe Architects, Frauhiger Amusements, Intercambio
Express, Hable Bonds.
More information about FC Indiana can be found at http://www.FCIndiana.com
FC Indiana (18-1-0, 6-0 WPSL) is in sole possession of first place in North America, after defeating No.8 California Storm 4-3 last week in the Women’s Premier Soccer League championship match.
"We are very pleased to be recognized in such way," said head coach Shek Borkowski. "The players have worked hard for such great recognition. At this point, it will only spur our team on to continue to develop themselves and the team to even higher levels."
1 FFC Turbine Potsdam, Germany
2 FC Indiana, USA
3 FFC Frankfurt, Germany
4 Djurgarden/Alvsjo, Sweden
5 Umea IK, Sweden
6 FCR 2001 Duisburg, Germany
7 New Jersey Wildcats, USA
8 California Storm, USA
9 Ottawa Fury, Canada
10 Washington Freedom, USA
The 2005 WPSL National Champions
The 2005 Women’s Open Cup National Champions
Formed in 2000, FC Indiana is the only women’s soccer franchise in
Indiana. In 2004 the
club joined the Women’s Premier Soccer League (www.wpsl.info).
The WPSL is an independent national soccer league with 21 teams
in 12 states, including
California, Utah, Colorado, Maryland, Michigan, Massachusetts, New
York, Pennsylvania, Indiana,
Texas, and Rhode Island.
It is an affiliate of FIFA and the United States Soccer Federation
Rollpak Corporation, Ramada Inn, Margaritas Restaurant, Big Toe Sports,
Martin’s Supermarkets,
Goshen Plumbing and Heating, Elkhart Sports Center, Premier Signs,
Fairhaven Physicians, Wellington & Weddell, Elkhart Metal Distributing,
Crown International, Leedy/Cripe Architects, Frauhiger Amusements, Intercambio
Express, Hable Bonds.
More information about FC Indiana can be found at http://www.FCIndiana.com
The fact that FC Indiana have placed four players on the WPSL All-League team is a testament to the high level of quality the team has possessed on its roster this season.
Gault (University of Kansas) has finished the season with 2 goals and 5 assists and was named Most Valuable Defensive Player 6 times.
Bock (Notre Dame) finished the season with 4 goals and 2 assists for 10 points in nine games as a midfielder.
Smith finished with 15 goals and 11 assists for 45 points. The University of Kansas standout appeared in all 19 games this season over 2 points per game.
Perez (Mexico WNT) had 21 goals and 6 assists for 48 points and was named the WPSL championship MVP.
Defense, Mary McVeigh, Steel City Sparks
Defense, Holly Gault, FC Indiana
Defense, Karlyn Miselis, New England Mutiny
Defense, Maureen Whitney, California Storm
Midfield, Brittany Bock, FC Indiana
Midfield, Sissi, California Storm
Midfield, Leslie Osborne, California Storm
Midfield/Forward, Annie Lowry, Steel City Sparks
Midfield/Forward, Kerry Connors, New England Mutiny
Forward, Patricia Perez, FC Indiana
Forward, Caroline Smith, FC Indiana.
2005 WPSL National Champions
2005 Women’s Open Cup National Champions
Formed in 2000, FC Indiana is the only women’s soccer franchise in
Indiana. In 2004 the
club joined the Women’s Premier Soccer League (www.wpsl.info).
The WPSL is an independent national soccer league with 21 teams
in 12 states, including
California, Utah, Colorado, Maryland, Michigan, Massachusetts, New
York, Pennsylvania, Indiana,
Texas, and Rhode Island.
It is an affiliate of FIFA and the United States Soccer Federation
Rollpak Corporation, Ramada Inn, Margaritas Restaurant, Big Toe Sports,
Martin’s Supermarkets,
Goshen Plumbing and Heating, Elkhart Sports Center, Premier Signs,
Fairhaven Physicians, Wellington & Weddell, Elkhart Metal Distributing,
Crown International, Leedy/Cripe Architects, Frauhiger Amusements, Intercambio
Express, Hable Bonds.
More information about FC Indiana can be found at http://www.FCIndiana.com
Caroline Smith put the WPSL team ahead after 26 minutes with a 20 yard drive into the right upper corner. Kerry Inglis made it 2-0 after 35 minutes when she drilled a 25 yard rocket. Trinidad & Tobago forward Tasha St. Louis effectively made the game safe making it 3-0 scoring from 12 yards out in the 62nd minute. Mexico WNT forward Paty Perez completed the scoring with a cool finish with 15 minutes left to play.
The win completes FC Indiana's league and cup double and left coach Shek Borkowski a happy man. "It was important for our club just to get recognition with FC Indiana friends, partners, and fans by getting even one title. The crucial one was certainly the WPSL national championship," said the coach at the post-match press conference.
With the win FC Indiana completes league and cup crowns and becomes the first club in history of women’s soccer in North America to win a league and cup double in the same year. Until yesterday no WUSA, W-League, or WPSL team has ever won their league title and an Open Cup title in the same year.
Formed in 2000, FC Indiana is the only women’s soccer franchise in
Indiana. In 2004 the
club joined the Women’s Premier Soccer League (www.wpsl.info).
The WPSL is an independent national soccer league with 21 teams
in 12 states, including
California, Utah, Colorado, Maryland, Michigan, Massachusetts, New
York, Pennsylvania, Indiana,
Texas, and Rhode Island.
It is an affiliate of FIFA and the United States Soccer Federation
Rollpak Corporation, Ramada Inn, Margaritas Restaurant, Big Toe Sports,
Martin’s Supermarkets,
Goshen Plumbing and Heating, Elkhart Sports Center, Premier Signs,
Fairhaven Physicians, Wellington & Weddell, Elkhart Metal Distributing,
Crown International, Leedy/Cripe Architects, Frauhiger Amusements, Intercambio
Express, Hable Bonds.
More information about FC Indiana can be found at http://www.FCIndiana.com
Perez finished the season with 20 goals and 4 assists in the 14 games she played. The Mexican international has started every game for FC Indiana this season and averaged more than 1 goal per game. In the league finals she has score 3 goals and assisted on 2 others as FC Indiana defeated New England Mutiny 4-0 and California Storm 5-4.
At the end of the season Perez will join Spanish powerhouse FC Barcelona.
Formed in 2000, FC Indiana is the only women’s soccer franchise in
Indiana. In 2004 the
club joined the Women’s Premier Soccer League (www.wpsl.info).
The WPSL is an independent national soccer league with 21 teams
in 12 states, including
California, Utah, Colorado, Maryland, Michigan, Massachusetts, New
York, Pennsylvania, Indiana,
Texas, and Rhode Island.
It is an affiliate of FIFA and the United States Soccer Federation
Rollpak Corporation, Ramada Inn, Margaritas Restaurant, Big Toe Sports,
Martin’s Supermarkets,
Goshen Plumbing and Heating, Elkhart Sports Center, Premier Signs,
Fairhaven Physicians, Wellington & Weddell, Elkhart Metal Distributing,
Crown International, Leedy/Cripe Architects, Frauhiger Amusements, Intercambio
Express, Hable Bonds.
More information about FC Indiana can be found at http://www.FCIndiana.com
by permission from http://und.collegesports.com/sports/w-soccer/spec-rel/080105aac.html
FC Indiana Edges Storm For WPSL Title
Notre Dame women's soccer players Christie Shaner and Nikki Westfall added another national championship to their playing resume on Sunday night, as the pair of rising juniors combined with two incoming Notre Dame freshmen to help the Goshen-based FC Indiana club team win the Women's Premier Soccer League national title.
(Note: check back to und.com later in the week for photos from the championship and comments from the ND players, with comments from the FC Indiana coach included below.)
FC Indiana had knocked off the host New England Mutiny in Saturday night's semifinals (4-0) before battling the defending champion California Storm - led by former U.S. National Team player Brandi Chastain and several other elite players - in a hotly-contested final. The championship game was tied 3-3 after regulation and 4-4 after 30 minutes of overtime before FC Indiana claimed the title, 4-3 in penalty kicks.
The Storm recently were rated the world's No. 7 women's soccer club and had won three of the previous six WPSL titles. In addition to Chastain, the Storm roster includes the likes of Brazilian national team standout Sissi, current U.S. national teamer Shannon MacMillan, recent Santa Clara midfield star Leslie Osborne and former SCU and WUSA player Keri Sanchez. MacMillan was absent from the title game, as was former Notre Dame All-America defender Monica Gonzalez (captain of the Mexican National Team).
FC Indiana also was without one of its top players (former West Virginia and WUSA forward Katie Barnes) while losing two others - Julie Augustyniak and Tasha St. Louis (a Trinidad and Tabago national teamer) - to injury during the course of the title game.
Westfall delivered a couple of big saves during the run of play and then made two stops in the shootout, including a save on Chastain's try. The pair of saves and the 4-3 margin both match the performance of Notre Dame senior-to-be goalkeeper Erika Bohn in the NCAA championship game vs. UCLA last fall.
Shaner played the entire game as a starting outside midfielder while incoming Notre Dame freshman Brittany Bock started and played all but a handful of minutes as a defensive midfielder. Fort Wayne native and Snider High School product Kerry Inglis - who also will join the Irish this fall - logged some quality minutes in the first and second half as a reserve midfielder.
The game was played in a rainstorm but featured eight top-level goals, with the Storm holding slight edges in shots on goal (13-10) and corner kicks (7-4). Westfall and her fellow defensive players essentially had limited the Storm to a pair of goals until an equalizer was scored in second-half stoppage time, just seconds before the whistle.
FC Indiana - now 16-1-0 overall this summer (with the lone loss coming in a 1-0 exhibition vs. the Washington Freedom that was called after 60 minutes due to a lighting malfunction) - qualified earlier in the summer for next week's USASA Open Cup semifinals, to be played in Dallas on Aug. 5 (followed by an Aug. 6 title game). Their semifinal opponent will be the southern California-based Ajax America squad led by two U.S. national teamers: former Notre Dame standout midfielder Shannon Boxx and forward Abby Wambach (who played collegiately at Florida).
Paty Perez scored in the 20th minute to give FC Indiana the game's first lead, with the Mexican national teamer beating her defender to the left side of the box before sending a shot into the opposite corner.
Chastain surged into the penalty area moments later and had a 1-on-1 chance vs. Westfall, but the ND 'keeper was charging off her line and made the foot save to retain the 1-0 leaad.
Annii Magliulo then tied the game in the 35th minute, taking a pass from Chastain and flicking the ball off her heel for the 1-1 game. The Storm then surged ahead in the 35th minute, as Chastain scored on a header after a shot clanged off the crossbar.
FC Indiana forged a 2-2 tie shortly before halftime, as St. Louis headed in a corner kick from Fatima Leyva. Caroline Smith's goal then secured a 3-2 lead for FC Indiana in the early moments of the second half but the Storm forced overtime with a goal in stoppage time, on a strike from outside the box after an attempted clear of a corner kick.
The overtime setup called for two 15-minute periods (no sudden-death) and FC Indiana took its third lead of the day, on a goal set up by Bock. Alvi Luik received the pass from Bock about 30 yards out and worked to her right before sending an 18-yard shot into the left corner of the net. The Storm then notched another goal in the final moments of overtime, as Koleen Anderson scored for a 4-4 game that forced the penalty-kick shootout.
Westfall still had to make another huge save to preserve the tie, as Sissi raced in from Westfall's right in the waning moments of overtime. But the Ohio native was in position for the near-post save, sending the game to PKs.
Sissi opened the shootout by converting to Westfall's left and Leyva then scored to the same spot, beating Brittany Gillespie (the '04 WPSL goalkeeper of the year). Sanchez was next up and tried to duplicate the same shot but Westfall dove to her left for the save.
Smith then drove her shot into the upper left corner (2-1) and Chastain attempted a hesitation pooch shot that Westfall saved (diving to her right) to put FC Indiana within range of the title. Gillespie managed to put a hand on the ensuing try from Perez but the shot carried into the upper right corner for the 3-1 cushion.
Magliulo kept the Storm alive with a shot to the upper right corner and Jamaican national Hishamar Falconer's weak shot to the right was saved by Gillespie. The Storm converted their fifth try for a 3-3 score but Luig ended the marathon night by beating Gillespie with a shot to the upper right corner.
"The four girls from Notre Dame that are on this team are great ambassadors for the university. They are fantastic personalities and great players. They have been the glue that has held this team together all summer, always helping to make the other girls feel comfortable. They are four players who we have counted on in every game.
"Tonight in the game we showed that we were the fitter team overall. When we made mistakes, they punished us but we showed the character to battle back and win it in the end."
Formed in 2000, FC Indiana is the only women’s soccer franchise in
Indiana. In 2004 the
club joined the Women’s Premier Soccer League (www.wpsl.info).
The WPSL is an independent national soccer league with 21 teams
in 12 states, including
California, Utah, Colorado, Maryland, Michigan, Massachusetts, New
York, Pennsylvania, Indiana,
Texas, and Rhode Island.
It is an affiliate of FIFA and the United States Soccer Federation
Rollpak Corporation, Ramada Inn, Margaritas Restaurant, Big Toe Sports,
Martin’s Supermarkets,
Goshen Plumbing and Heating, Elkhart Sports Center, Premier Signs,
Fairhaven Physicians, Wellington & Weddell, Elkhart Metal Distributing,
Crown International, Leedy/Cripe Architects, Frauhiger Amusements, Intercambio
Express, Hable Bonds.
More information about FC Indiana can be found at http://www.FCIndiana.com
The WPSL is the highest level of women’s soccer in North America with
20 teams throughout the United States. The winners of the East, Central
and West divisions along with a wild card entry from the host division
will qualify for this year’s final four.
The event will include California Storm (#7 in the world according
to Women’s World Football Magazine), New England Mutiny (#14 in the world),
FC Indiana (#19 in the world), and Pittsburgh Sparks.
FC Indiana with a record of 14-1, including wins over Trinidad &
Tobago WNT (3-0 and 8-5) California Storm (1-0), has not lost a full match
this season. It’s 1-0 loss to Washington Freedom came in a 60 minute match
which was ended by an electrical outage with 30 minutes left to play.
FC Indiana is the only team in North America on track to win two national
championships in 2005. With title wins in the Women’s Premier Soccer League
national championship in Boston next weekend and the Open Cup title in
Dallas the following weekend, FC Indiana can accomplish what no other team
in history of women’s soccer in North America has ever done and win the
coveted “league and cup double”.
FC Indiana 2005 results:
at Chicago FC 6-0W
at NORCO 7-0W
at Chicago Eclipse 4-2W
at Nebraska FC 14-0W
at St. Louis 4-0W
at Houston 5-2W
Semifinal Match #1: California Storm vs. Pittsburgh Sparks -
5:00 PM
Semifinal Match #2: New England Mutiny vs. FC Indiana - 7:00
Consolation Match – 2:00 PM
Championship Match - 5:00 PM
For details and information regarding the WPSL National Championship
Tournament call, (413) 330-WPSL email, newenglandmutiny@aol.com or
visit www.mutinysoccer.com.
Formed in 2000, FC Indiana is the only women’s soccer franchise in
Indiana. In 2004 the
club joined the Women’s Premier Soccer League (www.wpsl.info).
The WPSL is an independent national soccer league with 21 teams
in 12 states, including
California, Utah, Colorado, Maryland, Michigan, Massachusetts, New
York, Pennsylvania, Indiana,
Texas, and Rhode Island.
It is an affiliate of FIFA and the United States Soccer Federation
Rollpak Corporation, Ramada Inn, Margaritas Restaurant, Big Toe Sports,
Martin’s Supermarkets,
Goshen Plumbing and Heating, Elkhart Sports Center, Premier Signs,
Fairhaven Physicians, Wellington & Weddell, Elkhart Metal Distributing,
Crown International, Leedy/Cripe Architects, Frauhiger Amusements, Intercambio
Express, Hable Bonds.
More information about FC Indiana can be found at http://www.FCIndiana.com
GOALS: FCI: Leyva (Luik, 14th); HOU: Gobbs (19th); FCI: Perez (Smith, 46th); FCI: St. Louis (Leyva, 52nd); HOU: Gobbs (64h); FCI: Bock (Smith, 70th), FCI: Perez (80th).
SHOTS: 15-3, FCI SAVES: 10-1, HOU FOULS: 8-7, FCI
FCI' LINE-UP: McMillan, N. Augustyniak, J. Augustyniak, Shaner, Leyva (Inglis 60th), Bock, Falconer, Luik, Smith, St. Louis (Decker, 60th), Perez.
Formed in 2000, FC Indiana is the only women’s soccer franchise in
Indiana. In 2004 the
club joined the Women’s Premier Soccer League (www.wpsl.info).
The WPSL is an independent national soccer league with 21 teams
in 12 states, including
California, Utah, Colorado, Maryland, Michigan, Massachusetts, New
York, Pennsylvania, Indiana,
Texas, and Rhode Island.
It is an affiliate of FIFA and the United States Soccer Federation
Rollpak Corporation, Ramada Inn, Margaritas Restaurant, Big Toe Sports,
Martin’s Supermarkets,
Goshen Plumbing and Heating, Elkhart Sports Center, Premier Signs,
Fairhaven Physicians, Wellington & Weddell, Elkhart Metal Distributing,
Crown International, Leedy/Cripe Architects, Frauhiger Amusements, Intercambio
Express, Hable Bonds.
More information about FC Indiana can be found at http://www.FCIndiana.com
Gault started the scoring play on the opening goal when she carried the ball on the right side and slipped a pass through to Perez. The FC Indiana forward ran onto the ball and tucked a first-time left-footed shot into the lower right corner from just inside the box for her 15th FC Indiana goal.
Perez added to the lead in the 71st minute off a feed from Gault. Gault started the play when she played a perfect 35 yard pass to Perez, who controlled the ball before sliding a 10-yard shot past Trinidad & Tobago goalkeeper Ramkisson.
Christy Shaner boosted the FC Indiana lead to 3-0 in the 76th minute off a great corner kick from Leyva. Shaner out-jumped her defender before cracking a 7-yard header into the upper right corner of the goal.
FC Indiana fans will get their second look at Trinidad & Tobago this Thursday night as FC Indiana and Trinidad & Tobago play again at 7:30 p.m. at Goshen Soccer Park.
Formed in 2000, FC Indiana is the only women’s soccer franchise in
Indiana. In 2004 the
club joined the Women’s Premier Soccer League (www.wpsl.info).
The WPSL is an independent national soccer league with 21 teams
in 12 states, including
California, Utah, Colorado, Maryland, Michigan, Massachusetts, New
York, Pennsylvania, Indiana,
Texas, and Rhode Island.
It is an affiliate of FIFA and the United States Soccer Federation
Rollpak Corporation, Ramada Inn, Margaritas Restaurant, Big Toe Sports,
Martin’s Supermarkets,
Goshen Plumbing and Heating, Elkhart Sports Center, Premier Signs,
Fairhaven Physicians, Wellington & Weddell, Elkhart Metal Distributing,
Crown International, Leedy/Cripe Architects, Frauhiger Amusements, Intercambio
Express, Hable Bonds.
More information about FC Indiana can be found at http://www.FCIndiana.com
Goshen, IN (July 2, 2005) FC Indiana of the Women’s Premier Soccer League
lost 1-0 to visiting Washington Freedom as Ashley Kennedy headed Tiffany
Roberts’ corner kick in the 60th minute.
Shots: FCI 9-5
Shots on goal: FCI 4-1
Saves: WASH (Resnik) 4-0
Corners: FCI 4-2
Fouls: 7-7
Records: FCI 7-1-0, WASH 1-0-0
Formed in 2000, FC Indiana is the only women’s soccer franchise in
Indiana. In 2004 the
club joined the Women’s Premier Soccer League (www.wpsl.info).
The WPSL is an independent national soccer league with 21 teams
in 12 states, including
California, Utah, Colorado, Maryland, Michigan, Massachusetts, New
York, Pennsylvania, Indiana,
Texas, and Rhode Island.
It is an affiliate of FIFA and the United States Soccer Federation
Rollpak Corporation, Ramada Inn, Margaritas Restaurant, Big Toe Sports,
Martin’s Supermarkets,
Goshen Plumbing and Heating, Elkhart Sports Center, Premier Signs,
Fairhaven Physicians, Wellington & Weddell, Elkhart Metal Distributing,
Crown International, Leedy/Cripe Architects, Frauhiger Amusements, Intercambio
Express, Hable Bonds.
More information about FC Indiana can be found at http://www.FCIndiana.com
“This is a great opportunity for our fans to witness some
exciting soccer in addition to our regular league play,” said
FC Indiana Director of Operations John Heiliger.
The Washington DC Freedom come to Indiana as the reigning WUSA champions;
the league suspended operations following the 2003 season. While WUSA is
still on hiatus, many of the league’s former teams, including
the Freedom, continue to travel for special exhibitions. Over their history,
the Freedom have featured some of America ’s best women players
including Mia Hamm and Abby Wambach.
Tickets for the July 2 game are $7 for adults and $4 for students under 18 and will be available at the gate.
Formed in 2000, FC Indiana is the only women’s soccer franchise
in Indiana. In 2004 the
club joined the Women’s Premier Soccer League (www.wpsl.info).
The WPSL is an independent national soccer league with 21 teams
in 12 states, including
California, Utah, Colorado, Maryland, Michigan, Massachusetts, New
York, Pennsylvania, Indiana,
Texas, and Rhode Island.
It is an affiliate of FIFA and the United States Soccer Federation
Rollpak Corporation, Ramada Inn, Margaritas Restaurant, Big Toe Sports,
Martin’s Supermarkets,
Goshen Plumbing and Heating, Elkhart Sports Center, Premier Signs,
Fairhaven Physicians, Wellington & Weddell, Elkhart Metal Distributing,
Crown International, Leedy/Cripe Architects, Frauhiger Amusements, Intercambio
Express, Hable Bonds.
More information about FC Indiana can be found at http://www.FCIndiana.com
The match will take place at a brand new Frisco Sports Complex in Dallas,
Texas on Friday, August 5th at 10:00 a.m.
The Ajax America are led in scoring by Abby Wambach with 5 goals and
3 assists in 5 matches this season, Ruth Parkes, 5 goals and Shannon Boxx
2 goals.
"This is a good opportunity for our club and players to play against
a very good team and players. Ajax has the US WNT players Abby Wambach
and Shannon Boxx playing for them," said Heiliger. "I know that our players
and coaches are very much looking forward to competing against this formidable
The National Cup Competition is the oldest and most prestigious soccer
tournament in the United States for any teams affiliated with the United
States Soccer Federation.
The 2005 Final Four pairings:
FC Indiana (Region 2, Indiana) vs. Ajax America Women (Region 4, California)
DSC Titans (Region 3, Texas) vs. German Hungarians (Region 1, Pennsylvania).
Formed in 2000, FC Indiana is the only women’s soccer franchise
in Indiana. In 2004 the
club joined the Women’s Premier Soccer League (www.wpsl.info).
The WPSL is an independent national soccer league with 21 teams
in 12 states, including
California, Utah, Colorado, Maryland, Michigan, Massachusetts, New
York, Pennsylvania, Indiana,
Texas, and Rhode Island.
It is an affiliate of FIFA and the United States Soccer Federation
Rollpak Corporation, Ramada Inn, Margaritas Restaurant, Big Toe Sports,
Martin’s Supermarkets,
Goshen Plumbing and Heating, Elkhart Sports Center, Premier Signs,
Fairhaven Physicians, Wellington & Weddell, Elkhart Metal Distributing,
Crown International, Leedy/Cripe Architects, Frauhiger Amusements, Intercambio
Express, Hable Bonds.
More information about FC Indiana can be found at http://www.FCIndiana.com
Formed in 2000, FC Indiana is the only women’s soccer franchise
in Indiana. In 2004 the
club joined the Women’s Premier Soccer League (www.wpsl.info).
The WPSL is an independent national soccer league with 21 teams
in 12 states, including
California, Utah, Colorado, Maryland, Michigan, Massachusetts, New
York, Pennsylvania, Indiana,
Texas, and Rhode Island.
It is an affiliate of FIFA and the United States Soccer Federation
Rollpak Corporation, Ramada Inn, Margaritas Restaurant, Big Toe Sports,
Martin’s Supermarkets,
Goshen Plumbing and Heating, Elkhart Sports Center, Premier Signs,
Fairhaven Physicians, Wellington & Weddell, Elkhart Metal Distributing,
Crown International, Leedy/Cripe Architects, Frauhiger Amusements, Intercambio
Express, Hable Bonds.
More information about FC Indiana can be found at http://www.FCIndiana.com
The Peach City, GA native will be making her first stop in the WPSL
with FC Indiana. Augustyniak previously played for the Atlanta Beat (WUSA),
Turbine Potsdam (Germany) and Stattena (Sweden).
Prior to her professional career, Augustyniak put together an outstanding
collegiate career at Clemson University where she was a two-time NSCAA
Division I All-American.
"It's exciting to add another world class player to our lineup." said
FC Indiana’ Head Coach Shek Borkowski.
"Nancy will fit in very quickly and should make an immediate impact."
FC Indiana is currently ranked number 9 in the world by Women’s World Football and sits atop the WPSL Midwest division. The team returns to action on Saturday when they host St. Louis Archers at 7:30 p.m. in Goshen.
Formed in 2000, FC Indiana is the only women’s soccer franchise
in Indiana. In 2004 the
club joined the Women’s Premier Soccer League (www.wpsl.info).
The WPSL is an independent national soccer league with 21 teams
in 12 states, including
California, Utah, Colorado, Maryland, Michigan, Massachusetts, New
York, Pennsylvania, Indiana,
Texas, and Rhode Island.
It is an affiliate of FIFA and the United States Soccer Federation
Rollpak Corporation, Ramada Inn, Margaritas Restaurant, Martin’s
Supermarkets, Goshen Plumbing and Heating,
Elkhart Sports Center, Premier Signs, Fairhaven Physicians, Wellington
& Weddell, Elkhart Metal Distributing,
Crown International, Leedy/Cripe Architects, Frauhiger Amusements,
Inter Cambio, Hable Bonds.
More information about FC Indiana can be found at http://www.FCIndiana.com
Media Contact:
Steve Brdarski
FC Indiana
G, Jenna Huff - Las Vegas Tabagators
Great saves keep Tabagators even in two road games
D, Myisha Delaney - Ajax of So. California
Anchors backline, playmakes from the back in road romps
D, Julie Augustyniak - FC Indiana
Work on the left critical in upset of California Storm
D, Maureen Whitney - California Storm
Storm's leader in Houston shutout, Indiana showdown
M, Shannon Boxx - Ajax of So. California
Dominant in midfield, goals vs. East Bay, Elk Grove
M, Aivi Luik - FC Indiana
Goal, two assists in rout of Chicago
M, Christine Sanford - San Diego WFC
Pulls the strings, with goal, assist, in 6-2 rout at East Bay
M, Lauren Ciccone - Rhode Island Rays
Nearly rallies Rays from three-goal deficit in Pittsburgh
F, Tasha St. Louis - FC Indiana
Trinidad & Tobago star scores hat trick with assist vs. Chicago,
assists Caroline Smith to beat Storm
F, Asleigh Shoughro - Las Vegas Tabagators
Three goals, assist in 2-2 ties at Elk Grove, East Bay
F, Nicole Bucciarelli-Jacobson - Ajax of So. California
Figures in half the scoring - two goals, two assists - in NorCal
road wins.
Formed in 2000, FC Indiana is the only women’s soccer franchise
in Indiana. In 2004 the
club joined the Women’s Premier Soccer League (www.wpsl.info).
The WPSL is an independent national soccer league with 16 teams
in 11 states, including
California, Utah, Colorado, Maryland, Michigan, Massachusetts, New
York, Pennsylvania, Indiana,
Texas, and Rhode Island.
It is an affiliate of FIFA and the United States Soccer Federation
Rollpak Corporation, Ramada Inn, Margaritas Restaurant, Martin’s
Supermarkets, Goshen Plumbing and Heating,
Elkhart Sports Center, Premier Signs, Fairhaven Physicians, Wellington
& Weddell, Elkhart Metal Distributing,
Crown International, Leedy/Cripe Architects, Frauhiger Amusements,
Inter Cambio, Hable Bonds.
More information about FC Indiana can be found at http://www.FCIndiana.com
Media Contact:
John Heiliger
FC Indiana
TOP 10
1. FFC Turbine Potsdam, Germany
2. FFC Frankfurt, Germany
3. Djurgarden/Alvsjo, Sweden
4. Umea IK, Sweden
5. New Jersey Wildcats, USA
6. FCR 2001 Duisburg, Germany
7. California Storm, USA
8. Vancouver Whitecaps, Canada
9. FC Indiana, USA
10. Malmo FF, Sweden
Formed in 2000, FC Indiana is the only women’s soccer franchise
in Indiana. In 2004 the
club joined the Women’s Premier Soccer League (www.wpsl.info).
The WPSL is an independent national soccer league with 16 teams
in 11 states, including
California, Utah, Colorado, Maryland, Michigan, Massachusetts, New
York, Pennsylvania, Indiana,
Texas, and Rhode Island.
It is an affiliate of FIFA and the United States Soccer Federation
Rollpak Corporation, Ramada Inn, Margaritas Restaurant, Martin’s
Supermarkets, Goshen Plumbing and Heating,
Elkhart Sports Center, Premier Signs, Fairhaven Physicians, Wellington
& Weddell, Elkhart Metal Distributing,
Crown International, Leedy/Cripe Architects, Frauhiger Amusements,
Inter Cambio, Hable Bonds.
More information about FC Indiana can be found at http://www.FCIndiana.com
Media Contact:
John Heiliger
FC Indiana
Goshen, IN (May 29, 2005) On Sunday afternoon, FC Indiana hosted California Storm ranked #7 in the world (by Women’s World Football), led by Brazilian superstar Sissi, and a 5-0-0 record coming into this game. Undaunted FC Indiana came away with a 1-0 win thanks to a 47th minute goal by Caroline Smith, assisted by Tasha St. Louis.
The early exchanges saw FC Indiana enjoy most of the early possession and they created the first two real opportunities as both St. Louis and Smith made dangerous runs into the box only to be stopped by last second tackles from California’s Maureen Whitley. In the 10th minute St. Louis hit a powerful 16yard shot forcing a good diving save from Gillespie.
California hit back with a good passing move, Schott and Magliulo combining to find Sissi who broke into the area where her shot was tipped over by Westfall. The resulting corner was cleared as far as Tafarel but her 20-yard effort flew over.
FC Indiana got on the board early in the second half when a glorious Caroline Smith goal stole the show on the back of a pulsating match, orchestrated by the brilliant partnership of Smith and St. Louis. Smith received a pass from St. Louis on top of the box and drilled a shot passed California’s keeper Brittany Gillespie from 16 yards out. The goal was the second of the season for Smith.
FC Indiana improves to 3-0-0, California drops to 5-1-0
CALIFORNIA STORM: Gillespie, Whitney, DeSantis, Tafarel, Harken, Anderson,
Sissi, Schmidt (Hunt 71), Magliulo, McGee (Patrick 81), Schott
FC INDIANA: Westfall, Gault, Augustyniak, James, Barnes, Falconer,
Inglis (Decker 65), St. Louis, Smith, Ball (Jordanopoulos 70)
FCI: Smith (St. Louis) 47th minute
FCI: 9, CAL: 10
FCI: Westfall 10; CAL: Gillespie 8
FCI: 1; CAL: 5
Formed in 2000, FC Indiana is the only women’s soccer franchise
in Indiana. In 2004 the
club joined the Women’s Premier Soccer League (www.wpsl.info).
The WPSL is an independent national soccer league with 16 teams
in 11 states, including
California, Utah, Colorado, Maryland, Michigan, Massachusetts, New
York, Pennsylvania, Indiana,
Texas, and Rhode Island.
It is an affiliate of FIFA and the United States Soccer Federation
Rollpak Corporation, Ramada Inn, Margaritas Restaurant, Martin’s
Supermarkets, Goshen Plumbing and Heating,
Elkhart Sports Center, Premier Signs, Fairhaven Physicians, Wellington
& Weddell, Elkhart Metal Distributing,
Crown International, Leedy/Cripe Architects, Frauhiger Amusements.
More information about FC Indiana can be found at http://www.FCIndiana.com
Goshen Soccer Complex will host nine home games while the Kuntz Stadium in Indianapolis will host an international friendly against Mexico WNT on July 15. “Elkhart county does not have a suitable site to host international soccer matches,” said FC Indiana Director of Operations John Heiliger. “With an expected crowd of 4,000 fans we had to schedule the match in Indianapolis.”
Highlights of the season include three international matches against
Trinidad & Tobago (July 19 and July 21) and Mexico (July 15), the 2004
WPSL National champion California Storm (May 29), and the 2002 WUSA champion
Washington Freedom (July 2), currently named Washington Freedom Reserves.
“Our home match vs. the Washington Freedom Reserves will
be a good one,” said Heiliger. “They are coached by
Jim Gabarra who led them to the 2002 WUSA title. The team includes such
well known WUSA professional veterans as Carrie Moore, Kylie Bivens, Jacqui
Little, Tiffany Roberts, Lindsay Stoecker, Lori Lindsey, Emily Janss, Casey
Zimny, Betsy Barr, Nicci Wright, Joanna Lohman, and Sarah Kate Noftsinger”
July 17th promises to be a special day for soccer fans as Goshen Soccer
Park will host a double header with FC Indiana taking on divisional rivals
Houston Stars at 5:00pm and Mexico WNT facing Trinidad & Tobago at
Mexico is expected to bring their international superstar Maribel Dominguez
who currently plays for FC Barcelona in Spain.
According to Head Coach Shek Borkowski Trinidad & Tobago will spend
9 days training and playing in Goshen. “Trinidad & Tobago
coach Jamaal Shabazz will train his team in Goshen and in addition to playing
them twice we are looking for one more game for them,” said Borkowski.
Trinidad & Tobago will arrive in Goshen on July 13th and will leave
July 24th.
The home opener versus Chicago will be on Friday, May 27th at 7:30
pm at Goshen Soccer Complex.
"This promises to be an exciting season," Heiliger said. "The possibility of having players like Brandi Chastain, Devyyn Hawkins, Sissi (all three with California) and the Augustyniak twins competing in Indiana is very exciting."
According to Borkowski, FC Indiana added 5 Notre Dame players from their
2004 National Championship team. Erika Bohn, Christie Shaner, Lizzie Reed,
Kim Lorenzen, and Annie Shefter will arrive in Goshen in 3 weeks to represent
FC Indiana. Additionally, a top 2005 Notre Dame recruit Kerry Inglis of
Fort Wayne has been training and is expected to start this season.
“We are cautiously optimistic about this team. We have a
great mix of international, former WUSA and top collegiate players,”
said Borkowski.
Along with their WPSL matches, FC Indiana, as Indiana State Champion will participate in the U.S. Open Cup regional tournament in Cleveland. The U.S. Open Cup is for all amateur and professional teams affiliated with the United States Soccer Federation (USSF) and the United States Adult Soccer Association (USASA).
The WPSL National Championship will be held in Boston, MA. from July
30-31 and will include the winners of each of the four divisions in the
Tickets for FC Indiana home matches are $7 for adults and $4 for students/children.
For more information on FC Indiana visit our official web site at www.FCIndiana.com.
For more information on the WPSL, visit the official website at www.wpsl.info.
11 – ST. LOUIS
12 - at Chicago
17 - Busch SC (at Cleveland, 5pm)
18 – Illinois (at Cleveland, 12:30pm)
19 – Nebraska (at Cleveland, 10:30am)
09 - at St. Louis
15 – MEXICO WNT (Indianapolis)
17 – Mexico WNT vs. Trinidad & Tobago WNT (Goshen)
19 – T&T WNT
21 – T&T WNT
23 - at Houston
24 – at Houston
29, 30, 31 - WPSL Finals (at Boston)
5, 6, 7 - Open Cup Nationals (at Dallas)
13 - at Washington
* home games in CAPS
Formed in 2000, FC Indiana is the only women’s soccer franchise
in Indiana. In 2004 the
club joined the Women’s Premier Soccer League (www.wpsl.info).
The WPSL is an independent national soccer league with 16 teams
in 11 states, including
California, Utah, Colorado, Maryland, Michigan, Massachusetts, New
York, Pennsylvania, Indiana,
Texas, and Rhode Island.
It is an affiliate of FIFA and the United States Soccer Federation
Rollpak Corporation, Ramada Inn, Margaritas, Martin’s Supermarkets,
Goshen Plumbing and Heating, Elkhart Sports Center, Fairhaven Physicians,
Wellington & Weddell, Elkhart Metal Distributing,
Crown International, Leedy/Cripe Architects, Frauhiger Amusements.
More information about FC Indiana can be found at http://www.FCIndiana.com
*U.S. National Team roster for Algarve Cup 2005*
1.Barnhart, Nicole G from Gilbertsville, Pennsylvania. (Stanford)
2.Mitts, Heather D from Cincinnati, Ohio (Florida)
3.Fair, Lorrie D from Los Altos, California (UNC)
4. Reddick, Cat D from Birmingham, Alabama. (UNC)
5. Tarpley, Lindsay M from Kalamazoo, Michigan. (UNC)
6. Lopez, Stephanie D from Elk Grove, California (Portland)
7. Boxx, Shannon M from Redondo Beach, California (Notre Dame)
8. Hucles, Angela M fromVirginia Beach, Virginia (UVA)
9 O’Reilly, Heather F from East Brunswick, New
Jersey. (UNC)
10. Wagner, Aly M from San Jose, California (Santa Clara)
11. Chalupny, Lori M from St. Louis, Missouri (UNC)
12. Rodriguez, Amy F from Lake Forest, California (USC)
13. Lilly, Kristine M from Wilton, Connecticut.(UNC)
14. Oakes, Jill D from West Hills, California (UCLA)
15. Markgraf, Kate Dfrom Bloomfield Hills, Michigan (Notre Dame)
16. Wilson, Kelly F from Odessa, Texas (Texas)
17. Huie, Lindsey D from Mission Viejo, California (Portland)
18. Solo, Hope G from Richland, Washington (Washington)
19. Welsh, Christie F from Massapequa Park, New York. (Penn State)
20. Wambach, Abby F from Rochester, New York (Florida)
Interim Head Coach*: Greg Ryan
Nella primavera del 1998, Mahin Gorji divenne la prima giornalista sportiva ad avere il permesso di entrare nello stadio della nazionale di calcio iraniana dai tempi della rivoluzione islamica del 1979.
Mentre parlava con un reporter americano nel box della stampa, Gorji dovette ignorare gli avanzi di cibo che le venivano gettati addosso dagli spalti in segno di disprezzo. L’anno seguente, Gorji segui’ alla tv via satellite la Coppa del Mondo femminile, collegandosi a Internet e scrivendo notizie d’agenzia per conto del suo giornale sportivo di Teheran. Scoprì che ve n’era una particolarmente interessante: Mia Hamm. “L’ho vista colpire la palla e mi sono chiesta come potesse riuscire. I suoi tiri sembrano davvero potenti”, disse allora Gorji.
Lo scorso dicembre Hamm e’ andata in pensione, dopo aver affascinato milioni di persone compresi la giornalista sportiva di Teheran, citta’ nella quale alle donne fuori casa e’ proibito persino indossare calzoncini e maglietta.
“Penso che Hamm sia stata la nostra atleta più importante e famosa”, dice di lei Anson Dorrance, allenatore di Hamm per quattro anni all’Universita’ della North Carolina (n.b. Dorrance e’ quello che scopri’ la giovane Hamm). Hamm oggi ha appena 32 anni, ma ha abbandonato il pallone dopo averne trascorsi 17 nella squadra nazionale femminile. Con ben 158 reti segnate e’ capocannoniere a livello internazionale, sia della classifica femminili che di quella maschile. Il piu’ importante evento sportivo femminile, la Coppa del Mondo del 1999, ruotò interamente sulla sua fama, come anche—immediatamente dopo—il campionato professionistico della “Women’s United Soccer Association”.
La rivista People l’ha definita uno dei 50 personaggi più belli del mondo. La Nike ha dato a uno degli edifici del suo quartiere generale il suo nome. Hamm e’ diventata un volto talmente noto che le pubblicità alla televisione mostravano ormai solo quello, senza dire il suo nome. In uno spot commerciale molto famoso, Hamm ha dato una dimostrazione memorabile di agilità femminile, facendo piroettare Michael Jordan sulla sua anca in una mossa di judo, mentre la canzone in sottofondo ritmava “Qualsiasi cosa tu possa fare, io posso farla meglio”!
Molto probabilmente questo e’ il risultato piu’ importante: essere considerata per quello che e’ e non in base al sesso cui appartiene. Agli esordi della nazionale femminile, Hamm e le sue colleghe di squadra giocavano lontano dai riflettori, pur continuando a rimanere convinte che la nazionale dovesse avere qualcosa di valido da offrire loro.
La cosa divenne evidente durante la Coppa del Mondo del 1999, iniziata in modo anonimo e che nello spazio di sole tre settimane, con una copertura mediatica modesta, divenne improvvisamente uno degli eventi sportivi piu’ galvanizzanti per il Paese. Qualche giorno prima della finale, 3.000 persone assistettero a un allenamento: Hamm si rese conto che il calcio femminile aveva sfondato. I bambini indossavano, al pari della bambine, la maglietta con il suo numero, il 9.
E’ raro che gli americani esultino come nazione: applaudono per le squadre professionali locali, ma raramente lasciano coinvolgere nei preparativi o nella celebrazione di un evento globale. Cio’ e’ accaduto soltanto nel 1980 con la vittoria olimpica della squadra di hockey contro l’Unione Sovietica e nuovamente il 10 luglio 1999, quando 90.185 fan assistettero dal vivo, insieme a 40 milioni di americani (n.b. e 100 milioni di cinesi) davanti alla televisione, alla vittoria di Hamm e della squadra femminile statunitense su quella cinese nella Coppa del Mondo.
Cinque anni dopo, quella era ancora la partita più guardata della storia americana: non si poteva piu’ affermare che il pubblico non seguisse gli avvenimenti sportivi femminili.
In quella partita Hamm mise in mostra tutte le caratteristiche più rivelanti, pur non essendo il cannoniere dominante. Alla fine della partita, esausta, Hamm dovette sottoporsi a delle flebo, rimanendo chiusa negli spogliatoi per due ore. Persino gli occhi le facevano male (n.b. il sottoscritto puo’ confermare questi fatti dato che ero stato invitato insieme a tutta la famiglia Hamm al ricevimento privato subito dopo la finale all’albergo Ritz-Carlton di Los Angeles. Tutta la squadra era presente eccetto Mia. Per via di piu’ di 2 ore giocate sotto un caldo infernale, Mia aveva gli occhi gonfi). “Non si e’ mai seduta sugli allori. Non ha mai dato per scontato di essere Mia Hamm, ma ha sempre dato tutta se stessa”, disse Joy Fawcett, che giocava in difesa nella squadra nazionale (n.b. Fawcett, la madre di tre bimbe, e’ appena andata in “pensione” insieme a Mia e la capitana Julie Foudy, vincitrice pure lei del Mondiale del 1999 e della medaglia d’oro ad Atene).
Altrettanto evidente quel giorno fu l’onesta’ sostanziale del gioco della Hamm: fiducioso in se stessa ne’ piu’ ne’ meno delle altre atlete, fu pronta ad ammettere che a un certo punto la sua sicurezza si era dileguata. Quando venne il momento dei calci di rigore, Hamm non voleva tirare, ma non avendo scelta lo fece, segno’ e tornando verso le compagne lanciò un urlo selvaggio, quasi animalesco.
Poco tempo dopo la vittoria della Coppa del Mondo, una foto di
Hamm e della sua squadra, colta nell’attimo in cui regalava la
maglietta della squadra al presidente Bill Clinton, e’ apparsa
in modo alquanto insolito sul giornale sportivo di Mahin Gorji a Teheran.
“La foto della Casa Bianca pubblicata in prima pagina sul principale
quotidiano sportivo iraniano!”, ricorda Mehrdad Masoudi, giornalista
iraniano ed ex portavoce della federazione di calcio canadese. Pochi
anni prima, dice, sarebbe stato inaudito. (Longman)
Carolina Morace ha votato cosi’:
1° Shannon Box (USA)
2° Mia Hamm (USA)
3° Hanna Ljunberg (SVE)
La Tesse ha scelto cosi:
1° Shannon Box
2° Abby Wambach (USA)
3° Hanna Ljunberg
La graduatoria finale
Birgit Prinz
Mia Hamm
Abby Wambach
Kristine Lilly
Hanna Ljunberg
Shannon Box
Victoria Svensson
Renate Lingor
Silke Rottenberg
Malin Mostroem
Marinette Pichon
Kerstin Stegemann
Maribel Dominguez
Brian Scurry
Homare Sawa
Charmaine Hooper
Brente Norby
(fonte: FIFA Magazine gennaio 2005)